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Flooding Of A Petrochemical Site

Flooding of a petrochemical site

A storm surge coinciding with high tides flooded the salt caverns used to store hydrocarbons at a petrochemical site. The alert was given at around 11:00 p.m. by a technician who was conducting a patrol. The remote-controlled shut-off valves were closed[...]
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Fire At A Municipal Waste Sorting And Incineration Plant

Fire at a municipal waste sorting and incineration plant

A fire broke out at around 2:30○a.m. in a 2000○m² sorting building at a waste processing facility. The facility, which was commissioned in 2010, sits on an isolated 18○hectare plot in an industrial port area. Driven by the wind, the[...]
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The flooding, caused by a more or less rapid water level increase, either total or partial on site, has various origins: intense and prolonged rainfall, flooding of watercourses, clogging of the sewerage network, dam or dike rupture, rising of groundwater...[...]
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NaTech risks

A natural hazard (flood, earthquake, forest fire, storm, ground motion, avalanche, cyclone, extreme cold, heat wave ...) can have an impact on an industrial installation and thus be the source of one or series of accidents with major effects outside[...]
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Lightning: Industrial Accidentology

Lightning: industrial accidentology

Lightning, often associated with the powers of gods in mythology, can have serious impacts on industrial facilities and entail human, social, environmental and economic consequences. The ARIA database records about 100 lightning accidents that took place in France between October[...]
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Heat Waves, Intense Heat : Risks Alerts, And Not Just For Fire !

Heat waves, intense heat : risks alerts, and not just for fire !

Periods of intense heat cause many fires, especially within the agricultural sector. But a heat wave can also give rise to other phenomena like: solvent evaporation within warehouses containing sensitive substances (nitrocellulose, peroxides, etc.), the accumulation of inflammable vapours in[...]
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Flooding strikes a solvent recycling factory

The summary of this accident has not yet been translated. In the meantime, please refer to the French summary : Une usine chimique classée Seveso recyclant des solvants usagés est inondée à partir de 6 h lors d'une crue de[...]
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Benzene Leaks From A Port Petrochemical Pipeline

Benzene leaks from a port petrochemical pipeline

Connecting an oil terminal to a chemical plant 1.5 km away, a heat-insulated pipeline pressurised at 300 mm was perforated following a period of intense cold weather; 4 m³ of benzene had solidified upon shrinking below 5°C. By 2:50 pm,[...]
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