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Fire In A Tank Caused By Lightning In A Refinery

Fire in a tank caused by lightning in a refinery

Several lightning strikes were recorded in a refinery at 7:25 pm, one of which caused the expansion space to explode on a 2,000-m³ capacity buffer tank (for collection and settlement) filled with 770 m³ of process water. The hydrocarbon supernatants[...]
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Implosion Of A Non-degassed Butadiene Tanker Car

Implosion of a non-degassed butadiene tanker car

An empty butadiene tanker car not yet degassed was in transit at a marshalling yard. Due to the ambient cold temperature (-17°C), the gaseous phase of the butadiene liquefied (Tboiling=-4.4°C); cistern pressure was drawn down by an estimated 0.35 bar[...]
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Rupture Of A Red Aluminium Sludge Pond

Rupture of a red aluminium sludge pond

Around noon, a red sludge basin at an aluminium production site employing some 1,200 personnel broke over a 50-m length, releasing 1 million m³ of highly basic sludge; 10 people were killed and another 286 injured (due to chemical burns[...]
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Release Of Styrene Following A Power Cut

Release of styrene following a power cut

At 10:46 pm during a thunderstorm, an electrical outage interrupted polystyrene (PS) production at a chemical site where 27 of the 160 employees were on the job. A safety disc broke and styrene was released. The crystal manufactured polystyrene (CMP)[...]
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Fire At A 15.000 T Storage Facility For Used Tyres

Fire at a 15.000 t storage facility for used tyres

A large fire broke out at an open used-tire storage in an industrial area, near a recycling plant that had started its operation only two months earlier. The fire expanded fast and covered the whole pile of the tires, estimated[...]
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Explosion In A Chlorine-alkali Plant

Explosion in a chlorine-alkali plant

A lightning strike caused a voltage drop on the power supply of a chlorine-alkali plant using the mercury process. The emergency electrical system was activated, though restoring the external supply voltage in less than 200 ms rendered the entire system[...]
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Flooding Of A Pharmaceutical Plant

Flooding of a pharmaceutical plant

A pharmaceutical plant on a 55 hectare platform out of which 15 hectares were used was flooded (ARIA 35427) with 20 cm to 1 m of water due to torrential rains (300 mm in a few days including over 100[...]
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The summary of this accident has not yet been translated. In the meantime, please refer to the French summary : Une tempête appelée "Gudrun" frappe le sud de la Suède dans la nuit. Des vents à plus de 33 m/s[...]
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Solenoid Valves Blocked By Wasps’ Nests

Solenoid valves blocked by wasps’ nests

During security testing conducted by the operator in the presence of the inspection of classified facilities, 2 shut-off valves did not operate at the tractor-trailer unloading station of an LPG depot. In the event of an anomaly, these positive safety[...]
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