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Epidemic Of Legionellosis

Epidemic of legionellosis

In the 15th district in Paris, 8 cases of group contamination with legionellosis were detected on 1 September while the first symptoms were identified as early as 8 August. One patient died. The media pressure rose rapidly. The results of[...]
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Accident On A Cooling Box In An Incineration Plant

Accident on a cooling box in an incineration plant

The lower part of a waste feed chute on a furnace (capacity: 28 tonnes/hr) at an incineration plant exploded. A technician was violently thrown and sustained serious injuries. Water under 3 bar of pressure cooled the base of the chute,[...]
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Combustion Of A Stock Of Meat And Bone Meal

Combustion of a stock of meat and bone meal

A 34,000-tonne inventory of bone meal under a hangar awaiting destruction began to heat. A passerby noticed a glow and notified the site watchman. A response covering a few m² with a powder extinguisher halted the phenomenon. The characteristics of[...]
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Aerosol And Packaging Fire

Aerosol and packaging fire

On the 2nd basement level of a factory in an urban area mixing and packaging aerosols, a stock of boxed supplies stored on pallets ignited. The presence of smoke and heat complicated the emergency response. An ensuing explosion slightly injured[...]
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Explosion followed by a fire on a production line

A tank undergoing cleaning exploded after a 15-day production run. Along with a damaged drum dryer, the tank had been collecting washing water with an excess concentration of 2'-azobis (2 methylbutyronitrile) - AIVN (a by-product of hydrazine hydrate). In anticipating[...]
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Fire In A Silo

Fire in a silo

During a regular facility inspection inside a silo, the Head of Operations saw smoke rising from 2 intercellular storage spaces (so-called "ace of spades"); he immediately shut down the installations. Fire-fighters controlled this combustion event, resulting from an accumulation of[...]
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Explosion In A Chemical Plant

Explosion in a chemical plant

At a chemical plant manufacturing phytosanitary products, an explosion occurred on a multi-purpose unit; this blast was followed by the formation of a black, foul-smelling cloud hovering over the city, causing an electricity outage that disturbed rail traffic for several[...]
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Disilane leak and fire in a room

At an industrial gas packaging site, fire broke out in a room housing 16 bottles of silane. The internal emergency plan was activated and the site evacuated. The blaze could not be immediately controlled and wound up destroying the room[...]
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Chlorine Leak In A Chemical Plant

Chlorine leak in a chemical plant

A chlorine leak occurred when degassing a sprayer during production downtime at the end of a campaign on a chemical site. The Cl2 tank in use was isolated by 2 remote-controlled valves placed in series ((20) liquid Cl2 tank outlet[...]
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Refrigerant gas leak in a food production plant

In an industrial catering facility dedicated to fish dishes employing 700 staff, a water pipe carrying an added bio-detergent product with corrosive properties was punctured and its contents spilled onto a 28-mm diameter copper pipe transporting chlorodifluoromethane (R22) under high[...]
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