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The summary of this accident has not yet been translated. In the meantime, please refer to the French summary : Vers midi, un incendie est détecté au pied d'un réservoir de liquide inflammable vidé et nettoyé, en cours de maintenance[...]
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Anticipating Emergency Response Difficulties

Anticipating emergency response difficulties

The handling of an industrial accident is often rife with obstacles, e.g. water supply constraints, inappropriate response protocol in light of product properties, inefficient information provided by bystanders... 6.5% of all accidents recorded at France's classified sites have experienced major[...]
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Accident Study Findings On Household Uses  Of Gas

Accident study findings on household uses of gas

Every year in France, many deaths and injuries result from accidents involving household uses of gas. These events, which occur in individual dwellings off the natural gas distribution networks, are caused by a wide variety of devices so common in[...]
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Hydrofluoric Acid : The Worst Of All Acids?

Hydrofluoric acid : the worst of all acids?

Despite being produced 200 times less than sulphuric acid (1 M vs. 200 M tonnes/year), the ARIA database has recorded nearly 80 accidents involving hydrofluoric acid (HF) (vs. 220 for H2SO4). A series of recent accidents serves to recall its[...]
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