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Seal Boxes : Not To Be Mistaken As A Cure For Ageing

Seal boxes : not to be mistaken as a cure for ageing

Commonly used to plug leaks on pipelines, seal boxes serve stop discharge flows without entirely shutting down production. Despite this advantage, several accidents have shown that this type of remedial action is not sustainable and moreover necessitates regular monitoring during[...]
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Anticipating Fire And Explosion Risks In Wood Silos

Anticipating fire and explosion risks in wood silos

Over the past 3 years, more than 40 fires involving silos containing wood chips or sawdust have been recorded in the ARIA database. In such instances, operational difficulties are commonly encountered by emergency services (lengthy interventions, vulnerability of storage structures,[...]
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Several million tons of petroleum and chemical products, as well as billions of m³ of natural gas, are transported each year in the French pipeline network. The main characteristics of the accidents encountered, as well as the probability of occurrence[...]
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Chronic leakage of toxic effluents in a chemical plant

In a chemical plant, a leak of effluents containing acetonitrile (a harmful and flammable solvent) from the process wastewater system lead to groundwater contamination. As the network was used only sporadically, the duration of the leak could not be accurately[...]
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Lessons learnt from accidents in the fireworks sector

This document presents the conclusions of an analysis conducted on 322 accidents (104 in France, 218 in other countries) extracted from the ARIA database. For each stage of the fireworks process (manufacturing, storage, use, transport and disposal) major causes and[...]
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The summary of this accident has not yet been translated. In the meantime, please refer to the French summary : Vers 5h20, une explosion se produit dans une fonderie. Le bilan est de 8 blessés légers dont 5 soignés sur[...]
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Discharge of effluents containing heavy metals into a river

For 30 hours, 66 t of nickel sulphate, from a metallurgical plant producing nickel cathodes and 50,000 t of nickel-based chemicals, spilt into the Kokemaki River. The highest concentration of nickel measured in the river was 8,800μg/l for an instant[...]
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