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Flooding Of A Petrochemical Site

Flooding of a petrochemical site

A storm surge coinciding with high tides flooded the salt caverns used to store hydrocarbons at a petrochemical site. The alert was given at around 11:00 p.m. by a technician who was conducting a patrol. The remote-controlled shut-off valves were closed[...]
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Flooding Of A Chemical And Hydrocarbon Storage Site

Flooding of a chemical and hydrocarbon storage site

A storm surge coinciding with high tides raised the level of the Humber Estuary. The water flooded the gates of the port and filled the port to overflowing. A Seveso-classified chemical and hydrocarbon storage terminal was under 1 m of water.[...]
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Flooding Of A Chemical Storage Site

Flooding of a chemical storage site

A storm surge coinciding with high tides caused the River Tees to rise. It flowed over and eroded the dykes built to protect the local residents. A Seveso-classified port terminal containing chemicals stored in tanks was flooded 1.8 m above ordnance[...]
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Floating roofs

Placed directly on the surface of the liquid, the floating roof of a storage tank allows the reduction of emission by evaporation of certain products by the gaseous sky and thus limits the chronic atmospheric pollution generated by the most[...]
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Transport of waste in tank trucks

Collecting, consolidating or mixing and transportation of liquid waste is the cause of many accidents. By their nature, waste can indeed be "sensitive" materials with physico-chemical characteristics more or less identified, unlike those of raw material. The risks induced result[...]
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Explosion water / molten metal

Explosions following a molten metal / water contact are well-known accidents in the metallurgical industry, which sometimes result in significant human and material consequences. The ARIA database contains some fifty such events implying ferrous and non-ferrous metals melt. The fact[...]
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Natural gas distribution

Natural gas distribution networks are regularly damaged by public works vehicles during road works in the city. This fact sheet shows the main accident scenarios affecting these structures. Significant accidents, in regard of their human and social consequences or their[...]
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Mixing of incompatible products

Transfer of chemicals between fixed and mobile tanks may cause mixtures of incompatible products. This risk is all the more pernicious as the mixture usually involves "classic" substances and widely used: bleach, acid ... This fact sheet presents some lessons[...]
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Water pollution by hydrocarbons

The Water Framework Directive of December 2000 which commits the countries of the European Union with a goal of regaining the quality of the water and the aquatic environments by 2015, supposes a better protection of these environments against any[...]
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Bringing gas-powered installations back online

Repair, maintenance shutdown, adjustment of phase, often require the shutdown and restart of gas-powered installations. This procedure is frequently time consuming to implement, depending on the type of equipment considered (superheater, steam generator), and it can generate accidents. The following[...]
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