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Fireworks Accidents Analysis

Fireworks accidents analysis

As an expression of festivities, fireworks must however not be perceived as inoffensive or devoid of risks. Fired for hundreds of years, some fireworks today can be directly used by the general public, which has given rise to the need[...]
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Silos Storing Plant Products

Silos storing plant products

We need to pay special attention to the circumstances under which accidents in silos storing plant products take place. Experience shows that the frequency of accidents is far higher during the working phase including the preventive or curative maintenance, change,[...]
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Accidents In Small Fireworks Warehouses

Accidents in small fireworks warehouses

Two serious accidents that recently occurred in France along with others from the more distant past recall the risks associated with handling fireworks in small warehouses or shops, as well as the need to respect pertinent basic workplace rules.
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CO2 Extinguishing Systems

CO2 extinguishing systems

Gas-based extinguishing processes become attractive when water cannot be used (e.g. computer equipment, audio/video archives, ship engine rooms), yet the associated risks must not be underestimated, as witnessed by the example of CO2 systems.
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Delivery Of Hazardous Material By Tank Truck

Delivery of hazardous material by tank truck

While the delivery of hazardous materials by means of road transport onto an industrial site constitutes a relatively commonplace operation, all too often it leads to overly taxing the onsite reception capacities. In addition to generating economic losses, these discharges[...]
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Mix Of Incompatible Products

Mix of incompatible products

The accidents presented in this flash involve chemical reactions between incompatible products inadvertently placed into contact with one another. Encountered in all types of activities, such accidents are frequent and occur not only during the delivery of chemical products (wrong[...]
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Firework Shows

Firework shows

Several recent accidents in France (along with others dating further back) have recalled that the handling of fireworks in small warehouses, depots, during the preparation or execution of fireworks shows, carry risks that must be prevented at least through regulatory[...]
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Fire outbreak on a stripping unit inside a steel mill

Fire was detected at 10:05 pm in the stainless steel sheet stripping unit of an upper-tier Seveso metallurgical plant. The surface treatment line, composed of 7 unheated polypropylene tanks (5 containing hydrochloric acid, 1 containing hydrofluoric acid, 1 containing nitric[...]
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Triggering Of The Foam Extinction System Inside A Chemicals Firm

Triggering of the foam extinction system inside a chemicals firm

At 6:56 pm inside a warehouse for phytosanitary products assigned an upper-tier Seveso classification, the activation of a foam-based automatic extinction system installed in a 1,000-m² cell brought fire-fighters to the scene 44 min later. By the time responders arrived,[...]
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Leak On A Kerosene Pipeline

Leak on a kerosene pipeline

A kerosene leak (A1 jet category) was detected on a pipeline (nominal diameter DN: 108, pressure: 13.8 bar, operational since: 1942) connecting a refinery to a storage area outside the oil platform site. The quantity of lost product was estimated[...]
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