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Rupture Of A Crude Oil Pipeline

Rupture of a crude oil pipeline

A longitudinal rupture occurred at approximately 6 a.m. on a crude oil pipeline (DN 500, buried depth: 1 m in clayey soil; commissioning date: 1965; pressure: 69 bar) at 1.5 km from a nature reserve. No disturbance or pressure surges in the pumping operation[...]
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Fire Outbreak Inside A Warehouse

Fire outbreak inside a warehouse

The summary of this accident has not yet been translated. In the meantime, please refer to the French summary : Un feu se déclare vers 5h30 sur le quai d'un entrepôt de 33 000 m² constitué de 3 cellules soumis[...]
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Flooding Of A Petrochemical Site

Flooding of a petrochemical site

A storm surge coinciding with high tides flooded the salt caverns used to store hydrocarbons at a petrochemical site. The alert was given at around 11:00 p.m. by a technician who was conducting a patrol. The remote-controlled shut-off valves were closed[...]
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Flooding Of A Chemical And Hydrocarbon Storage Site

Flooding of a chemical and hydrocarbon storage site

A storm surge coinciding with high tides raised the level of the Humber Estuary. The water flooded the gates of the port and filled the port to overflowing. A Seveso-classified chemical and hydrocarbon storage terminal was under 1 m of water.[...]
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Flooding Of A Cement Works

Flooding of a cement works

A storm surge coinciding with high spring tides caused the waters of the Humber River to rise and flood a cement works, where the water rose as high as 3 m. A petrochemical site (46146), a chemical terminal (46144), and an[...]
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Flooding Of A Chemical Storage Site

Flooding of a chemical storage site

A storm surge coinciding with high tides caused the River Tees to rise. It flowed over and eroded the dykes built to protect the local residents. A Seveso-classified port terminal containing chemicals stored in tanks was flooded 1.8 m above ordnance[...]
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Fire At A Municipal Waste Sorting And Incineration Plant

Fire at a municipal waste sorting and incineration plant

A fire broke out at around 2:30○a.m. in a 2000○m² sorting building at a waste processing facility. The facility, which was commissioned in 2010, sits on an isolated 18○hectare plot in an industrial port area. Driven by the wind, the[...]
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Deadly arc-flash explosion at a petrol station

At around 11:30 a.m., a flash in the presence of petrol fumes occurred inside the manhole of one of the three compartments (two containing SP95 and one containing E10) of a 60 m³ underground fuel tank at the petrol station of a[...]
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