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Communication under difficult situations

So called, "laborious research" mobilizing important human and material resources is sometimes necessary to identify the origin of a pollution resulting from an industrial accident. Despite these difficulties in characterizing situations and identifying possible effects, it is up to the[...]
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Mixing of incompatible products

Transfer of chemicals between fixed and mobile tanks may cause mixtures of incompatible products. This risk is all the more pernicious as the mixture usually involves "classic" substances and widely used: bleach, acid ... This fact sheet presents some lessons[...]
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Water pollution by hydrocarbons

The Water Framework Directive of December 2000 which commits the countries of the European Union with a goal of regaining the quality of the water and the aquatic environments by 2015, supposes a better protection of these environments against any[...]
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The flooding, caused by a more or less rapid water level increase, either total or partial on site, has various origins: intense and prolonged rainfall, flooding of watercourses, clogging of the sewerage network, dam or dike rupture, rising of groundwater...[...]
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Communicate with local resident during crisis

Objectively, crisis have two main origins : one of a technical nature, linked to the presence of dangerous products, and the other social, linked to the incomprehension of the risks involved. The difference of perception of the risk involved analysis[...]
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Management of health-related and environmental impacts

Pollution of the ground or of the atmosphere, contamination of food resources are some consequences of the immediate or delayed effects of a toxic or polluting substance release to the environment. The technical management of this situations and the resulting[...]
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Design, monitoring and maintenance of industrial sludge basins

Some industrial processes use retention basins to contain large quantities of sludge or effluents: residues of concentration or transformation of ores, TiO2 manufacture, phosphogypses, fine coal washing ... The combination of volume and nature of the substances retained, their toxic[...]
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Bringing gas-powered installations back online

Repair, maintenance shutdown, adjustment of phase, often require the shutdown and restart of gas-powered installations. This procedure is frequently time consuming to implement, depending on the type of equipment considered (superheater, steam generator), and it can generate accidents. The following[...]
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Inadequate use of available feedback

Although the practice of technical feedback seems complex and costly, its contribution to the safety of installations is inestimable: it helps to identify and prevent accidental contexts that could not be detected otherwise. Learning lessons from the past is also[...]
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Striking a balance between prevention, mitigation and intervention

Risk management stakeholders' attention is naturally focused on the identification and reduction of hazard potentials, as well as on technical and organizational measures to reduce the likelihood of accidents. Whatever the effectiveness of the latter, the risk management approach can[...]
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