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Risks deriving from the coexistence of automatic and manual systems

Production constraints and technological developments have favored the breakthrough of automated production systems in the industry since the early 1980s. Sometimes these modern systems still coexist with older manual devices which are maintained to allow operation in degraded mode(maintenance, shutdown,[...]
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Operations in a degraded mode

This fact sheet is the analysis of some accidents that illustrate the risks associated with the operation of installations in degraded mode (unavailability of equipment, utility, personnel ...). These degraded operating situations can arise from material failures, but also from[...]
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Sensor’ malfunction

Transmitting the information needed to analyze the situation and the actions to be taken, sensors are essential components for the proper functioning of automated driving and safety systems. Their role is increasingly important in ensuring the safety of industrial sites[...]
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Characterization of hazardous phenomena

The accidents recorded in the ARIA database involve three main profiles of dangerous phenomena: fires, relief of hazardous materials and explosions. Fire and the relief of hazardous materials are the most frequent accidents. However, the explosions, which are less numerous,[...]
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Human error or organizational failure ?

In recent decades, companies have developed technical measures to improve the reliability of their installations over time and to prevent industrial risks. Safety management systems were then put in place to ensure the robustness of the whole. Progress has been[...]
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Risks analysis and works projects

The accidentology during phases of work, be it maintenance, modification, installation or even dismantling of installations have been regularly mentioned and studied. This is due to the seriousness of this type of events, particularly in terms of human consequences. Focus[...]
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NaTech risks

A natural hazard (flood, earthquake, forest fire, storm, ground motion, avalanche, cyclone, extreme cold, heat wave ...) can have an impact on an industrial installation and thus be the source of one or series of accidents with major effects outside[...]
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Follow-ups on accidents

During an accident, the inspection authority for classified facilities participate, on behalf of the Prefect, in crisis management. Inspectors also intervene in post-accident monitoring and carry out accident investigation. They may finally be required to propose and follow up actions[...]
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Accidents Associated With Chlorine

Accidents associated with chlorine

This summary report was established based on information collected from 557 French accidents (251 cases) or foreign accidents (306 cases) which took place between January 1917 and May 2003 and which are recorded in the ARIA database. This document should[...]
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Gas Boiler Accidents

Gas boiler accidents

The analysis of gas boiler accidents is based on a sample of 121 French accidents listed in the ARIA database. After a foreword on the activities involved, typology and consequences of the accidents, the main risks related to the use[...]
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