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Chlorine Leak During Unloading

Chlorine leak during unloading

In a chemical plant, 11 kg of chlorine leaked around 9.30 am while being transferred in liquid phase from a tanker. The leak lasted for 30 seconds and led to the formation of a 50m cloud at the ground level[...]
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Mercury air pollution from a battery recycling plant

On the 21 to 22/01 and 24 to 25/01 nights, the air monitoring stations continuously recorded mercury (Hg) concentrations as high as 1 micro g/m³, i.e. 1,000 times greater than the WHO threshold for chronic exposure. Laborious research involving significant human[...]
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Gas Leak On Public Roads

Gas leak on public roads

Around 9 am, a leak occurred on a natural gas pipe running underneath a pavement (diameter: 63 mm) and placed in the tubing of a former pipeline; 2 explosions followed some 45 minutes later. A 5-storey residential building caught fire[...]
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Hydrogen Leakage On A Pipeline

Hydrogen leakage on a pipeline

Fire broke out along a "transition corridor" combining several underground pipelines transporting hazardous substances, including hydrogen, kerosene and ethylene oxide. The fire was brought under control within a few minutes thanks to the limited size of the leak. Though no[...]
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Accidental Generation Of Chlorine In A Chemical Industry

Accidental generation of chlorine in a chemical industry

A cloud of chlorine gas was accidentally generated around 10.30 am while transferring hydrochloric acid (HCl) into a tank containing sodium hypochlorite (NaClO or liquid bleach) in a chemical wholesale company. The accident happened during a period of rebuilding of[...]
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Fire In A Food Manufacturing Plant

Fire in a food manufacturing plant

A fire broke out at around 2.00 am in a 10,000 m² cake and confectionery manufacturing plant. The video surveillance company informed the maintenance manager. Around hundred fire-fighters arrived onsite with 27 fire engines. The fire-fighters cut off the gas[...]
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Fire And Lorry Tankers Explosions

Fire and lorry tankers explosions

At 8:24 pm, a passer-by noticed a cab fire in one of the three lorry tankers in a convoy transporting liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) that were parked at the premises of a landscaping firm. The fire quickly spread and around[...]
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Leakage On A Pipeline And Water Pollution

Leakage on a pipeline and water pollution

In Belarus, a leak was detected in a 377 mm diameter pipeline carrying gas oil causing 120 tonnes of hydrocarbons to be spilled in the DAUGAVA river for 5 hours. The emergency services contained the most of the gas oil[...]
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