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Explosion of confined vinyl chloride vapor

In a PVC plant, an MVC leak ignited causing a (UVCE-type) explosion. The plant comprised 2 production buildings, one housing a boiler room and maintenance workshop, the other the laboratory, offices and warehouse, along with a series of MVC tanks[...]
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Landslide Over A Dam

Landslide over a dam

At 10:39 pm, the landslide of a portion of Mount Toc sent 260 million m3 of earth and rock hurtling at more than 90 km/h into the full reservoir adjoining the Vajont Dam. The falling rock nearly instantaneously filled the[...]
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Break Of The Malpasset Dam

Break of the Malpasset Dam

The break of the Malpasset Dam, a 60-m high arched structure with a thin diaphragm wall, caused 421 victims and displaced 7,000 more. After several days of torrential rains, this dam set up on the Reyran River north of Fréjus broke[...]
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Chemical Factory Explosion

Chemical factory explosion

At a chemical plant, an explosion destroyed a building storing 4,500 tonnes of a 50-50 composition of ammonium sulphate-nitrate, forming a crater 90 m wide, 125 m long and 20 m deep. Shortly thereafter, a series of fires broke out[...]
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Explosion In A Gunpowder Storage

Explosion in a gunpowder storage

On 31st August 1794 at 7:15 am, either 30.2 tonnes (65,000 pounds) or 150 tonnes of powder (depending on the source) exploded in the gunpowder storage room at the Château de Grenelle, near the Military School (Ecole militaire), in a[...]
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