Advanced Search

Emergency preparedness and response

On industrial sites at risk, the organization of relief operations is a regulatory obligation whose objectives are double. Either the operator is able to manage with his own means the onset of a dangerous accident (internal organization of relief). Or[...]
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Accidents with cross-border effects

Events with cross-border effects are, by definition, of significant magnitude and, for the majority of them, are major accidents. 28 events registered in the ARIA database are identified as belonging to this category, 23 of which occurred in the territory[...]
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Technological incidents triggered by flooding

Numerous scientific studies at the initiative of public or private entities converge on the observation of a growth of natural disasters in the last decades. This fact sheet presents some indicators to understand the specificity and impact of floods on[...]
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Chronic leakage of toxic effluents in a chemical plant

In a chemical plant, a leak of effluents containing acetonitrile (a harmful and flammable solvent) from the process wastewater system lead to groundwater contamination. As the network was used only sporadically, the duration of the leak could not be accurately[...]
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Lessons learnt from accidents in the fireworks sector

This document presents the conclusions of an analysis conducted on 322 accidents (104 in France, 218 in other countries) extracted from the ARIA database. For each stage of the fireworks process (manufacturing, storage, use, transport and disposal) major causes and[...]
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The summary of this accident has not yet been translated. In the meantime, please refer to the French summary : Vers 5h20, une explosion se produit dans une fonderie. Le bilan est de 8 blessés légers dont 5 soignés sur[...]
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Video ”Toxic alarm in the control room”

This video, produced by the BARPI, presents an actual accident that occurred inside a French chemical plant in 2012. This media offers a better pedagogical approach for understanding the accident context and its causes than paper documents.
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Discharge of effluents containing heavy metals into a river

For 30 hours, 66 t of nickel sulphate, from a metallurgical plant producing nickel cathodes and 50,000 t of nickel-based chemicals, spilt into the Kokemaki River. The highest concentration of nickel measured in the river was 8,800μg/l for an instant[...]
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