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Fireworks Shows: Vigilance Required Before, During And After!

Fireworks shows: Vigilance required before, during and after!

Every year, accidents occur during the July 14 and August 15 French holiday festivities. In 2015 unfortunately, reports came in[...]
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ELV And WEEE : Combating Illegal Treatment Facilities, A Challenge Aimed At Reducing Accidental Risks!

ELV and WEEE : Combating illegal treatment facilities, a challenge aimed at reducing accidental risks!

While the fight against illegal sites in the waste sector constitutes both an environmental challenge (non-compliance with discharge standards and[...]
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Accident Study Findings On Household Uses  Of Gas

Accident study findings on household uses of gas

Every year in France, many deaths and injuries result from accidents involving household uses of gas. These events, which occur[...]
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Analysis Of Pressure Equipments Related Accidents

Analysis of pressure equipments related accidents

Pressure equipments are everywhere in our daily life: fire extinguishers, LPG tanks, compressors, oxygen bottles are just examples. The knowledge[...]
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Hydrofluoric Acid : The Worst Of All Acids?

Hydrofluoric acid : the worst of all acids?

Despite being produced 200 times less than sulphuric acid (1 M vs. 200 M tonnes/year), the ARIA database has recorded[...]
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Malicious Acts: Raising Awareness To Improve Prevention

Malicious acts: Raising awareness to improve prevention

Due to the goods and products they handle or the nuisances they create, industrial sites have long been the preferred[...]
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Accident Study Findings On Malicious Acts Perpetrated In Industrial Facilities

Accident study findings on malicious acts perpetrated in industrial facilities

Beyond criminal acts targeting “Seveso” installations and having a strong media impact, the fight against "ordinary malicious acts" is a[...]
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Seal Boxes : Not To Be Mistaken As A Cure For Ageing

Seal boxes : not to be mistaken as a cure for ageing

Commonly used to plug leaks on pipelines, seal boxes serve stop discharge flows without entirely shutting down production. Despite this[...]
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Bases For An Accident Study On The Inerting Process Practiced In Silos

Bases for an accident study on the inerting process practiced in silos

The use of an inerting process is a means of intervention used in a fire in grain silos. However, it[...]
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Anticipating Fire And Explosion Risks In Wood Silos

Anticipating fire and explosion risks in wood silos

Over the past 3 years, more than 40 fires involving silos containing wood chips or sawdust have been recorded in[...]
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